What you need to know about Development Eye Initiative (DEI)

At the Development Eye Initiative (DEI), we believe that public policy is the most important aspect of development because it is the sum total of government action or inaction, from signals of intent to the final outcomes. Without a deeply citizen rooted public policy process, development is likely to be ineffective and unsustainable. Many a times, policy issues are complicated for the ordinary person yet they are supposed to be the main beneficiaries of all policy processes. Investing in critical analysis of public policy requires connection between what the people want and what government is able to provide in actual means.

With Globalization, the interconnection of development between countries is making it more relevant to make policies with a Global perspective while acknowledging the role of digitalization in making these connections.

DEI has thus established the Policy Eye – The Analytical Policy Think Tank connecting the people’s public policy interests and the reality of policy through digitalization.

Our Vision

A World where legal and policy frameworks enable effective governance and citizen participation in decision-making and development.

Our Mission

To provide in-depth and usable public policy analysis to spur critical thinking towards influencing national and global decision-making processes.

Our Values

Our work and relationships are grounded in the following values


We commit to quality outputs to build trust and enhance stakeholder appeal to our work.


In this modern era of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, we optimize and leverage on the digital revolution to simplify public policy communication for the ordinary citizen


We are a learning and adapting institution, and ensure that our interventions are context relevant


We seek to foment innovative people-centered tools and methods for more meaningful policy engagement


We commit to ensuring relevance of our interventions to stakeholders and constituency

Our Approach

Working through innovative means with state actors, public policy institutions, development partners and civil society organizations (CSOs), our interventions are premised on four core strategies

Policy Labs

These are small reflection units where emerging policy issues are given in-depth thought, dissected and crystallized to ascertain their efficacy. In these labs we deploy different tools such as trends analysis and scenario building. Trends analysis to ascertain the causative factors of an issue, and scenario building to plot the likelihood of certain events, their influence on the policy landscape and thus propose meaningful policy options. In these labs, we are think-tanking and providing thought leadership to a wider cohort of actors on the policy landscape.

Policy Analytics

We believe that public policy is only as good as the ordinary citizen, the main beneficiary understands it. We thus invest in packaging public policy into simple- user friendly formats. Such packaging involves generation of analytics using a range of digital tools, Artificial Intelligence, and other simpler locally accessible tools.

Public Policy Dialogues

We believe that the ordinary citizen should be at the center of policy formulation. We thus provide public platforms for citizens to engage in public policy debate, discuss the challenges and come up with their own organically grown solutions to their policy challenges.

Public Policy and Feminism

We believe that feminism creates a world where both men and women have an equal role in contributing to development. In order to reach that effectively and challenge the existing norms and stereotypes, we have invested in enhancing the competence of young women, mentoring them and exposing them to various policy influential spaces as means of making them equal participants in policy processes as their male counterparts.